
The bedroom door is closed firmly behind me

I know because I can no longer feel the draft creeping around the pillow dunes of my bed

I’ve draped a towel across the mirror and the bed is now oriented to the North

A Perfect Sleep Set Up

I’ve had my warm glass of milk, my sleepy time tea

My bedtime herbs and Walking Clouds Cream

I’ve journaled, I’ve given thanks, I’ve breathed deeply

Up to 10, back to 0, up to 10, back to 0

4, no…I think I was at 6, 7, 5,4

Oh, I had better start all over again

Russell snores lightly beside me, gives a great heave and rolls on to his side

Upstairs, from the kid’s bedroom, is complete silence

An acorn falls on the plastic roof of the carport, the bougainvillea scratches lightly on the brick pavers

My cat, our newest acquisition, jumps at the rustle of my feet and then settles down purring

The minutes whisper, the toilet bowl yawns and finally, triumphantly, I don’t know anything at all.


Summer Love, Sent Away


Saturday Morning, Intercepted